My images are also on my Instagram: Anna Omiotek-Tott (@annatottphoto) • Instagram photos and videos
In this part of my Chelsea Flower Show 2022 memories blog, I am going to focus sunny gardens with lots of ideas to take home, with themes of sustainability, rewilding and attracting pollinators, focusing on natural plant communities.
Hope you will enjoy looking into the sunny gardens I have chosen and photographed with my Nikon cameras (Nikon Z7II, Nikon Z6 and Nikon Z750 with Zeiss 100mm f2 macro lens).
The Stitchers' Garden by Frederic Whyte with peoniesStitchers Sanctuary Garden. Design: Frederic Whyte
The Stitchers' Garden by Frederic Whyte with peoniesStitchers Sanctuary Garden. Design: Frederic Whyte
The Stitchers' Garden by Frederic Whyte
The Stitchers Garden Design: Frederick Whyte Sponsor: Fine Cell WorkBuilt by: Champain Landscapes
It sported herbaceous parterre filled with restful and calming but colourful pastel planting combinations in pale yellow, soft pinks and cream. I loved the candy-red of Peonies and light yellows of Aquilegia growing together.
The RNLI Garden by Chris Beardshow
The RNLI Garden by Chris Beardshow
The RNLI Garden - Designer: Chris Beardshaw
Sponsor: Project Giving Back
Contractor: Chris Beardshaw Ltd
We could admie Georgian, classically inspired green oak pavilion at the rear with costal planting in a pastel cool and restul palette of whites, blues and pinks, and trees including Ulmus parvifolia and Pinus sylvestris, the traditional lifeboat building materials.
The Mind Garden Project Giving Back -Designer: Andy Sturgeon
Contractor: Crocus
The planting of Stipa gigantea, euphorbia, poppies, ox-eye daisies, centranthus and anchusa and Amsonia illustris in The Mind Garden - Designer: Andy Sturgeon - Sponsor: Project Giving Back.
Opium, poppies, The Mind Garden - Designer: Andy Sturgeon - SponThe Mind Garden - Designer: Andy Sturgeon - Sponsor: Project Giving Back.
The Mind Garden - Designer: Andy Sturgeon - Sponsor: Project GivThe planting of Stipa gigantea, euphorbia, poppies, ox-eye daisies, centranthus and anchusa and Amsonia illustris in The Mind Garden - Designer: Andy Sturgeon - Sponsor: Project Giving Back.
The Mind Garden Project Giving Back - Designer: Andy Sturgeon
Contractor: Crocus (Gold)
Sculptural rough-textured walls comprise generous swathes of colourful meadow planting. I was happy to see Opium poppies, the like of them self-seeding in our allotment, helping to attract bees and other pollinators, among other beautiful wild flowers in rainbow colour among flowing Stipa grasses.
A Rewilding Britain Landscape by
A Rewilding Britain Landscape- Designers: Lulu Urquhart and Adam Hunt
Sponsor: Project Giving Back
Contractor: Landscape Associates
Chelsea history: First Chelsea
Yet anotehr real-life like recreation of beautiful natural landscape, the winner of the show, and justified fully! A naturally re-wilded landscape in south west England, with a brook flowing through a copse of hawthorn, hazel and field maple beside a winding West-Country stone wall. Pity the real wild beavers were not present :)
The New Blue Peter Garden- Discover Soil by Juliet Sargeant
The New Blue Peter Garden- Discover Soil by Juliet Sargeant - Alstroemeria
The New Blue Peter Garden- Discover Soil - Designer: Juliet Sargeant
Sponsor: Project Giving Back
Contractor: Gardenlink
Chelsea history: 2016 (Gold and People’s Choice)
I was captivated by vibrant golden and orange (Alstroemria ) planting with blue accents reflecting the colours of Blue Peter. Lovely ideas to bring home including a roof with meadow planting. The garden was relocated to RHS Bridgewater after the show.
The St Mungo's Putting Down Roots by Cityscapes
The St Mungo's Putting Down Roots by Cityscapes
The St Mungo's Putting Down Roots Garden- Designers: Cityscapes - Darryl Moore and Adolfo Harrison
Sponsor: Project Giving Back
Contractor: Garden Link
Chelsea history: First Chelsea
This joyous town space mini- park garden used recycled materials creating colourful boundaries and seating areas with natural plant communities with textural foliage and floral accents in huge colourful planters in pink and orange It’s permanent location is now in London Bridge
A Garden Sanctuary by Hamptons, designed by Tony Woods
A Garden Sanctuary by Hamptons, designed by Tony Woods
Beautiful seating area surrounded by woodland planting, rained aon as it was such a common occurance at last's year show. Hope for better weatehr this year!